A shadow creature is similar to a shadow person but not a human form. But what is it? That is a good question. A shadow person in my opinion is a negative human energy. Some have ideas that they are also demons. I have yet to come across a true "demon"... although I have had experiences of an entity to claim to be the Devil. I think there are some bad people out there and this continues in the afterlife if for whatever reason they do not move on. Without a human physical form, energy- good or bad, can take many forms. I believe that negative energies are people that are stuck that want to bully others as they did when they were living.
I have also seen other types of shadow creatures, that I don't believe are human at all. They actually appear to be animals. I had an experience with a creature, I want to call a shadow dog. Now, when I was a kid 12+ years old, I had a black cocker spaniel. Many times in my home I thought that my dog was darting across the floor but she was not there. This would happen a lot while sitting in the living room at night with all the lights off, while watching TV. This thing was fast moving, no consistency in pattern and sporadic. Come to find out, my sister and father had also seen this in the house. They all thought that it was our dog at first, but she was either not in the room or was lying on the couch with us. This thing was not scary, just surprising.
Another account was when I was living in an apartment. It was actually my daughter that had the experience. My daughter was about 4yrs. old at the time. She told me that there was a dog that guarded the bathroom at night, it was all black. It would walk back and forth in the hallway in front of the door. She was scared, but would wait until the dog was furthest away from the door and quickly run into the bathroom. She still remembers it to this day.
It is possible that these are animals or pets that have passed on. Why they look like shadows, I do not know. Maybe it's possible that it's we that only perceive them as shadows and not what they truly looked like in real life. Could be due to our lack of ability in clear perception to these energies. Or the energies are not strong enough to be clear to us on the physical plane. Whatever the reasons that hold these people and creatures to this plane of existence, it seems they are stuck until they find whatever they are searching for.
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ReplyDeleteShadow creatures, or shadow entities? It is nearly impossible to tag nomenclature with such a limited understanding of the current subject matter. Human beings either by design, or growth, have developed an inherent fear of darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:2; "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night." In biblical times, it was clearly under-stood, that unsavory characters flourish in the absence of light.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible makes many references to the separation of light and darkness. Christians by word of the Bible, do not believe in ghosts. Christians do however have complete faith in demonic entities, as the Bible makes reference to such. The atomic age of humanity left behind ghost like silhouettes of people whose lives were snuffed out in an instant. Many pictures still exist of the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a lot of them about this particular phenomena. Extreme Thermal rays can leave imprints of shadows on stone. Two dimensional inanimate shadows are a far cry from the Shadow creatures, or shadow entities many persons have witnessed. Are shadow creatures Negetive human energy? Some paranormal investigators believe shadow creatures are negative in nature and can be cause for alarm, others do not agree. The idea of ghosts and shadow animals, causes great dispute even amongst the paranormal community. Humans (most) are intelligent creatures, either by design or accident. This higher intelligence is perhaps the reason for belief in life after death. Animals lack of intelligence suggest a lack soul, as an animal would have no understanding of its own mortality. There seems to be a real lack of cohesive logic that can lead to any definitive answer to haunted paranormal. In our logical world 1+1 must equal 2, with regards to paranormal 1+1 can equal anything. This realization seems to point to quantum mechanics, as the most likely explanation. "Spooky action at a distance," --a phrase used by Einstein in criticizing the phenomenon of Quantum Mechanics. The key word here is "phenomenon." Something remarkable, observable, yet unknowable. It is remarkable how the same scientific community that scoffs at ideas of the paranormal, supports ideas like string theory, multiple dimensions, and quantum mechanics. Many of the actual principles of these scientific ideas, make ghosts seem trite and insignificant.
Quantum physics makes Alice in Wonderland seem normal. Quantum physics presents an odd state of matter and energy. A atom can co exist in two locations at once, Just attempting to observe a particle will change its properties. Maybe the least intuitive characteristic is called entanglement. Described by quantum mechanics, it explains how two entangled particles can keep persepective on each other despite infinite distance. Physicists haver invested decades of time and energy to determine whether this property is real and why?
Imagine walking forward into a solid wall, and hitting against the wall. Now walk back and continue to do this an infinite amount of times. In theory at some point, given infinity you will walk through the wall to the other side, at least once.
Admin Scott http://www.sandiegohaunted.com 11/27/2011
Maybe It's A Halucination Or Maybe Paranoia
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ReplyDeleteI have been seeing various shadow creatures lately. But,its,not just me my cousin was walking with me tonight we were looking for our dogs. We own 30 acres live in the country. We live on an old railroad bed. When I say old I mean very old as it's been gone for well over 50 years. At first we had an encounter with something very big. Not sure we both thought we heard a horse. Then when we got to the end of this path we stopped and were just staring. I asked him what was wrong, as I yet hadn't said anything. He said do you see that? I said what... He said,look over there, I had already seen but wanted,to make sure he was talking about the same thing, he said it looks like black people over there. Completely blackness figures . it's dark, like 8 9 at night in ohio and you could clearly make out people complete shado2 complete darkness. Then when we were walking,back I just had,a,feeling like we were being,followed I turned around real fast seen a figure almost made the face out didn't look good or,nice at all, then it flew away well flew may not,be,the right word it hovered and,flew fast a jet
ReplyDeleteI have been seeing various shadow creatures lately. But,its,not just me my cousin was walking with me tonight we were looking for our dogs. We own 30 acres live in the country. We live on an old railroad bed. When I say old I mean very old as it's been gone for well over 50 years. At first we had an encounter with something very big. Not sure we both thought we heard a horse. Then when we got to the end of this path we stopped and were just staring. I asked him what was wrong, as I yet hadn't said anything. He said do you see that? I said what... He said,look over there, I had already seen but wanted,to make sure he was talking about the same thing, he said it looks like black people over there. Completely blackness figures . it's dark, like 8 9 at night in ohio and you could clearly make out people complete shado2 complete darkness. Then when we were walking,back I just had,a,feeling like we were being,followed I turned around real fast seen a figure almost made the face out didn't look good or,nice at all, then it flew away well flew may not,be,the right word it hovered and,flew fast a jet
ReplyDeleteSo something really freakN wEiRd happened to me and the hubby yesterday...and I can't stop thinking about it. I'm pretty sure we saw a Shadow Critter, whatever in the heck those are. It was kinda skittering across the road with this really strange gait. At first, I thought it was something blowing in the wind, but then I realized that what I was seeing were tiny legs...moving very oddly, almost windmilling, to my eyes. But the strangest thing of all was that it was such a deep, dark BLACK. And in nearly full sunlight! Just an absence of color completely...no light glinting off of fur, no highlights or lowlights....just the darkest imaginable outline of some kind of extremely unusual creature...which seemed confused...as it ran down the middle of the road..and kinda hemmed and hawed for a minute on the center line, as if trying to decide what direction to take.
ReplyDeleteThe hubby was much closer to it, being on the driver's side of the car. He said it had a very rodent-like shape....and he could make out legs and a tail...but again, was struck by the fact that it seemed to be made completely of the blackest of black SHADOW....just a complete void of light and color....but in animal form, running around the in middle of the road! He also reported thinking its gait was very strange.
I wanted to go back and have a closer look, but we were already late for something important, so we had to keep going. I still can't stop thinking about it, though. I drove by that spot 2x today and couldn't help looking for some sign of it. Definitely one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen with my own eyes!
Has anyone else ever seen anything similar? Since I don't have a personal FB profile, I just had to put it out there to all of you....
My initial impression is that it must have been an inter-dimensional creature, of some sort....? Its movements seemed to imply that it was pretty freaked out to find itself in the middle of the road, like that, too.
Wow! That's really strange and amazing that you saw that!! Things as odd as that, sometimes I think are kind of like you said, something that exists on another plane. There are many vibrational frequencies of existence that we usually cannot detect with our senses. The awe of which came over you, I know can drive you to want more and seek it out, but I probably would leave it be. What an awesome experience! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI have seen a wolf or dog made of shadows walk in front of me 5 to 6 feet away. It turned and looked at me then jumped into the woods.
ReplyDeleteI try to share my paranormal experience to others whenever i can and i dont think I'll stop. Ive told my story to numerous people including my family members. A few showed an expression that read they werent convinced but pretened to (appreciate for listening though right?), while the rest genuinely blieved me. I am open-minded to most things and though I dont quite believe in any deity i do believe that the human spirit and energy is so powerful and can linger on.
ReplyDeleteAnyway it didnt just happen to me but also my friend. We rented a room in a nice family's house. The room was pretty much a large den in the living room right next to the kitchen so it took some walking to get to the bathroom. After a week of moving in around 8pm, i decided to shower. It was dark and no lights were on when i barely step out of the room, there it was.. The shadowy figure. It wasnt a human figure or a creature either but more of a smooth form, like someone thin under a black foggy blanket and about 5"8. As i stood there frozen, it simply glided 5 feet in front of me then just disappeared after 3 or 4 feet doing so. I was wierded out no doubt but i shrugged it off and didnt mention about it. Days later, i was out and my friend was left alone having breakfast when she suddenly felt someone watching her. Turns out that she saw something too. However she said it was an actual face. Her description was a man with dark curly hair. When she looked over she had a towel hanging, the man's head would poke out from behing it and back in as if isnwas tring to annoy her by peek a booing. She did felt annoyed actually but eventually ignored it. Later she told me about it then thats when when we thought we should ask the owners of the occurences. We caught with the mother cooking the other day so we asked her who was the guy and if she had the same experience too. Told us it was most likely her brother who died at work from asbestos exposure way back. Made more sense now, i guess he was checking on the new unfamiliar people who moved in the house. After that, nothing weird ever happened again since our stay but yah i have to say it was pretty fascinating that i got to experience it.
I still wonder though, why did i see a shadow instead of his face? Was it because i saw him in the dark?
He wasnt the only spirit that was seen, my friend was fixing something in the kitchen when she noticed a young girl maybe 5 years of age come from our room. She was in a dress from probably around the 20th century or early 1900s. As she walked that way, she disappeared. I didnt see her myself bit that was kind of creepy!
Wow! That's awesome, thanks for sharing! I've heard that sometimes just manifesting part of the body may be easier than trying to manifest the entire body..and maybe that's why it came out not detailed to you. Could also be that he wasn't wanting to reveal who he was to you..? And you're right, usually when there's one spirit dwelling around a place, there's more.
DeleteThey are Djinn
ReplyDeleteThere was one instance in my life when I too witnessed a "shadow creature". A former friend of mine and myself were tripping on mushrooms. Usually, my trips were happy and enjoyable, but for whatever reason, some really freaky things happened that evening.
ReplyDeleteFor one, the music we were listening to started to play backwards not once but 3 times that night. It played slowly and sounded demonic in nature. My friend's face also morphed into my own at one point in the night. The strangest phenomena I witnessed that night was a shadow creature darting across the room in my peripheral vision. The entire night was plagued by an eerie feeling and I still can't explain what happened that night. I know I was tripping, but none of my other trips had developed in such a negative manner.
I still to this day wonder if demonic forces were to blame for the "hell trip" I experienced that strange night. A few more unexplainable things happened, but for the sake of brevity, I will end this little confession of a shadow creature experience. Thank you for taking the time to read.
my friend was explaining that he has recently encounterd something that looks like a dog but is the size of a cow i cant find anything about t and hes seen a lot them near his house any one know what they are?
ReplyDeletead for anyone wondering were this is its in Okeechobee Florida
DeleteI have had several encounters seeing shadow people throughout the years I remember once as a child I was laying in bed looking through the doorway to my room looking directly out the door one night and seen a head of someone with a hat on but not a normal hat that most people wear it was a weird hat kind of like a cowboy hat but with one side curled up and the shadow of the head was peaking from the top left corner of the doorway. Then another time I was driving to a friends house I pull in their driveway they had the living room light on and the curtain wide open I seen what I thought was their oldest boy sitting perfectly straight up in the recliner I go to the door knock it was locked I thought they was playing a joke on me so I got my key they gave me and unlocked it went in no one was there so I text them and said I seen one of them sitting there and they said no one was there and told me to come over to where they was at which was in another town. Then another time I was driving I seen a tall; shadow man walk across the street I stopped right in the middle of the 4 way because I noticed he disappeared. The strangest one was late one night I was in my camper in the country about 2 am I was watching a movie on my computer had my headphones on when I heard the most god awful sound outside it was my sisters chickens I took off my headphones and just listened heard the chicken screaming I thought ok an animal is out there messing with itI grabbed a little flashlight and went outside well it was a clear night bout a full moon almost directly over head im outside shine my flashlight by the pine tree where the chickens would roost and they would be bout 6 to 8 feet off the ground in the tree I didnt see any chickens on the ground but I noticed a dark blob on the ground it was only about 15 to 20 feet directly in front of me so I shine my light that way it did no good so im just staring at this solid black blob never took my ewyes off it then it raised up formed a head it turned sideways and it had the shape of a deer and ran down the driveway I stood there watching it and it made no sound as it ran away I watched it run almost to the end of the driveway then it stopped I just stood there it didnt move so I started slowly moving towards it and the closer I got I noticed it was not there so I went to the spot where I seen it and there was a chicken laying there I thought it was dead feathers all over the ground and as I leaned over to see if it was dead it got up and staggered and went and hid under the tree. I have never seen anything like that before ands hope I never see anything l;ike that again.